Jobs! OMG My BFF.

    Politicians and the word “jobs” are clearly BFFs. There’s not really another kind of person that runs around skipping and holding the hand of this word like politicians do. If there were some kind of game show where we had to listen to someone talk for thirty seconds and then guess what they do for […]

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The California Blind Spot

      California. The sunshine state. The state that was born blue, that leads the charge on every progressive cause. First gay elected official? Yeah that was us. First female speaker of the house? Damn straight. You want to talk trans rights? Women’s rights? Protests? Forget about it. California is the great liberal grizzly bear, reared up […]

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Go Luck Yourself

     There’s a famous saying about Americans, that none of us believe that we’re poor, we only think that we’re temporarily embarrassed millionaires. I have a sneaking suspicion that a rich person invented this saying, because one of the things you learn from hanging around broke people is that they have no problems telling you all […]

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Twitter vs Intelligence

     A twit is a boob. To fritter away your time is to make paper airplanes and count the stains on the ceiling. So something that’s called Twitter is asking us to take it about as lightly as we can take things. Big honking titles like “The Supreme Court” and “The American Civil Liberties Union” on […]

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Money is not Power

     Money very obviously is power. Want to go somewhere? Well you’ll only go as far as your money will carry you. Your body will only get as big as you can afford for it to be. You’re as strong as you have the time and energy to invest in yourself, as intelligent as you can […]

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The Billionaire’s Haiku

    There are very few ways to be against government that make sense. It’s easy to be against this government, because it does all kinds of lame things and hurts all kinds of people who don’t deserve it. But to be against any government at all just doesn’t work, mostly because governments are generally not some […]

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A Crotchety New Tomorrow

Imagine that you’re from another planet and you’ve been sent to Earth to do some recon. You find yourself peeking through the ferns at a group of humans with a notebook in your hands, trying to pin down just what it is that this animal does. There are all types of people, males and females, […]

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Mystery Solved

       Romantic relationships need a good story to work. When two people realize they’re flirting, what they’re realizing is that they’re in the first frame of a story. The feeling has the pull of a plot line, the sense that everything we say is foreshadowing something more complete. In a lot of ways we walk through […]

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