Antenna, Santa Rosa (A play for the stage)

FADE IN:  EXTERIOR:  We see a sidewalk and a city street whose traffic is facing towards the audience.  STAGE RIGHT: We see a wall which takes up roughly half the stage, behind which the interior of The Diorama will soon be visible to the audience. This wall is the brick facade of a bar named […]

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The Great Kiln Collection Drive

     If I have a talent for something, it seems like it’s pulling big ideas together out of long and layered thoughts. Go figure. Why not pottery? You can sell pots. This is bullshit.  Must be nice.       This is the one I’ve been working on. It’s a slippery little bugger. Basically I’ve been thinking about mirror […]

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Hummuna Hummuna Hammas

   So I was thinking about this Israel Hammas thing and isn’t it accurate to say that a huge part of the conflict is built into the idea of how “the nation” is going to work as a thing? Like you go, Israel is a nation for exiled Jews. Okay. But wait, so is there a […]

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SKIG (Skin In The Game)

     Trauma is a big word. By itself it works like a land mine, exploding out of conversation to devastate the mood of whatever we’re talking about. It tells us something big is here, some unerasable crime. As soon as we hear the word “trauma” we know that whatever we’re talking about was not some accident. […]

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The Poser Problem

     Let’s imagine for a second that you’re really excited to go to some live musical event. You’re also Mr. and/or Ms. High Tech Gear and you’ve got some virtual reality set up that makes it so you can step into your living room and it looks like you’ve stepped into the music hall where the […]

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