Antenna, Santa Rosa (A play for the stage)

FADE IN:  EXTERIOR:  We see a sidewalk and a city street whose traffic is facing towards the audience.  STAGE RIGHT: We see a wall which takes up roughly half the stage, behind which the interior of The Diorama will soon be visible to the audience. This wall is the brick facade of a bar named […]

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Power (pt. 2)

        “I always keep what they give me.”        Claire laid on her  bed in her old room in her parents home, listening to her father talk on the phone and silently cementing the conclusion that he was full of shit.          “No it happens to me a […]

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Power (pt.1)

        When Jocelyn was fifteen she killed a homeless man. Douglas Constantine. She didn’t want to believe that she killed him. But the more she thought about it, the more she rationalized and re-framed the night, the worse she felt. It seemed that any movement away from guilt was a piss taken […]

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