The Freedom to Lie

     So here’s the thing about the freedom of speech; it’s an easy win. It’s the first amendment, the one that even those assholes who can’t find Canada on a map can tell you they know. What’s left to say about it that we don’t already know? And even if we can find some nugget of […]

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Hummuna Hummuna Hammas

   So I was thinking about this Israel Hammas thing and isn’t it accurate to say that a huge part of the conflict is built into the idea of how “the nation” is going to work as a thing? Like you go, Israel is a nation for exiled Jews. Okay. But wait, so is there a […]

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The First Real Election

      At the time of this writing, Russia has invaded Ukraine. They’ve gotten their asses kicked pretty soundly up to this point, scaling back their full scale take over plans to a region in eatern Ukraine known as the Donbass. Their eyes got a little too big for their stomachs, it truns out. And even now, […]

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The New Bomb

      You have a farm. Things are going pretty well. Your ugly kids have plenty to eat and the land is so fertile you think it might be Catholic. The days are pretty, the work is satisfying. What more could you want? But just as you’re about to pluck your suspenders about your good fortune….BAM locusts, […]

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Trump and the Mafia

    I was doing some research on corruption in professional boxing and I came across a congressional hearing on the subject that was done in 1993. It involves a pretty interesting collection of people. John McCain was there. Former world champions Buddy McGirt and Iran Barkley were there. And so was a funny little muddle named […]

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