The Freedom to Lie

     So here’s the thing about the freedom of speech; it’s an easy win. It’s the first amendment, the one that even those assholes who can’t find Canada on a map can tell you they know. What’s left to say about it that we don’t already know? And even if we can find some nugget of […]

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SKIG (Skin In The Game)

     Trauma is a big word. By itself it works like a land mine, exploding out of conversation to devastate the mood of whatever we’re talking about. It tells us something big is here, some unerasable crime. As soon as we hear the word “trauma” we know that whatever we’re talking about was not some accident. […]

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The Hot Pockets Bandit

    I met a Russian woman who told me she was half Albanian. It took me a second but then I realized that she was telling me this in confidence, as some secret identity fact that needed guarding. When I realized that’s what was going on, I was happy to tell her the good news. This […]

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Living Legend: CH 2

For Damian, the weirdest thing about living in his old West Memphis trailer was the fact that it wasn’t that weird at all. There was no place else to go. Besides, plenty of people are ghosts of their former selves. Plenty of people are cursed. They called his curse injustice, but what does that mean? […]

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