Hummuna Hummuna Hammas

   So I was thinking about this Israel Hammas thing and isn’t it accurate to say that a huge part of the conflict is built into the idea of how “the nation” is going to work as a thing? Like you go, Israel is a nation for exiled Jews. Okay. But wait, so is there a […]

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Challenging Affirmative Action

     There is a firm of engineers and every single one of them is so white and suburban that they make skim milk look like a black panther meeting. There was a serious conversation about naming the firm “Hey Who Wants To Dance The Electric Slide? Engineers” and about that time, the State Department stepped in. […]

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Get It Together

      Quick question; what do a face, a house and a computer all have in common? Maybe the most interesting part of this question to me is that when I say the word “face” it triggers an idea of a single thing that performs a single job; to make expressions. But really a face is a […]

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The New Civil Rights Movement PT.1

          When most of us think about the civil rights movement, we’re thinking about a specific chapter in that movement. The words “civil rights” appear next to names like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X so frequently, that it seems as if the movement for civil rights materialized in that era, around those leaders. Of course […]

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