I Ain’t Calling Her a Gold Digger…

      Everybody knows what a gold digger is. We know it the way we know what a policeman or doctor is. A gold digger is basically a prostitute, but somehow less respectable, because at least a prostitute will give you a price list. The gold digger is a person who’s after all the same things the […]

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Hummuna Hummuna Hammas

   So I was thinking about this Israel Hammas thing and isn’t it accurate to say that a huge part of the conflict is built into the idea of how “the nation” is going to work as a thing? Like you go, Israel is a nation for exiled Jews. Okay. But wait, so is there a […]

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SKIG (Skin In The Game)

     Trauma is a big word. By itself it works like a land mine, exploding out of conversation to devastate the mood of whatever we’re talking about. It tells us something big is here, some unerasable crime. As soon as we hear the word “trauma” we know that whatever we’re talking about was not some accident. […]

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Living Legend Ch.6

“That guy looks like my mom’s boss. He was over here like three months ago for a Christmas thing. If that’s not him it fucking looks like him.”    And the video froze, just as Arnold Tuplete’s hands tipped off their perch over his head. Isaac Arce’s eyes scrubbed the vision of Arnold’s face as it […]

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