Fixing the FEC

     You’re looking for a baby sitter and there are only two agencies in town. After looking around on the websites of both these agencies, you’ve found out that neither one of them screens for registered sex offenders, despite the fact there have been several complaints from parents in your town about sitters from these agencies […]

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The First Real Election

      At the time of this writing, Russia has invaded Ukraine. They’ve gotten their asses kicked pretty soundly up to this point, scaling back their full scale take over plans to a region in eatern Ukraine known as the Donbass. Their eyes got a little too big for their stomachs, it truns out. And even now, […]

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Opening the Vote

      If a leader tells us they were elected with 100% of the vote, we know they’re lying. There would be no such thing as an election if people could agree completely on anything as important as political leadership. Most of us can’t agree on pizza toppings in a room of eight people. Two hundred and […]

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Prove It

     The modern debates about police brutality are nowhere close to new. The only thing that’s new about them is how utterly undeniable it is that this brutality is happening as often and as severely as people have been shouting about from the inception of the police as an institution.  “Police officers are the greatest scoundrels […]

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You Are Not An Idiot

     Imagine that for your whole life you’ve been in classes for people with special needs. You’ve always found the lessons to be a little patronizing, but your teachers have assured you that’s the fault of a bad attitude on your part. These classes are consistently rosy and optimistic in their messages, but the palpable special […]

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Laying Down the Law

      We’ve all seen it. A congressman proposes a bill with some ridiculous name: The Good Guys Are Better Than Bad Guys Act. The Cash For American Families Act. And of course, the bill turns out to have nothing to do with its unimpeachable title. Usually, when the person trying to pass the bill goes out […]

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Instead of Voting

      It’s a pretty popular thing to do to bitch about how corrupt our elections are. Especially following the Citizens United decision, which took the gloves off for how much money corporations can spend trying to get candidates elected, it seems pretty clear that the case is closed on whether or not elections can be bought. […]

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Weeding Out the Astroturf

     Astroturfing is what it’s called when rich people pay failed improv comics and actors too pathetic to be soap opera alternates to stop choking prostitutes and start speaking at city halls so that public officials making public policy in those halls will act the way rich people want them to. It’s called ‘Astroturfing’ because from […]

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Counting On Your Vote

      When you ask someone what makes gold valuable, they usually fart out a few incredibly unsatisfying answers. It’s shiny. It can be made into neat, shiny things. It’s rare. Finally they just kind of shrug and admit that it’s valuable because we’ve decided that it is. We could have picked bones or clams or pictures […]

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