Time Flies When There’s a Hamster Having Fun in You

     So I’m thinking about the development of life on Earth and how consciousness is basically a collection of time in a certain place. It’s the kind of thing that sounds right and sounds wrong at the same time. Because you hear it and go: “Well sure. I am the time it takes to be me. […]

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Adam and Steve (Jobs)

     Monkeys are smart. In some countries they’re trained to be professional theives, and they’re fairly good at it. They know which items are most valuable, cell phones, wallets, and they hold them for ransom in exchange for food. Apes are even smarter. Chimps and gorillas can be taught sign language, and they can have fairly […]

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A Crotchety New Tomorrow

Imagine that you’re from another planet and you’ve been sent to Earth to do some recon. You find yourself peeking through the ferns at a group of humans with a notebook in your hands, trying to pin down just what it is that this animal does. There are all types of people, males and females, […]

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