Make America Great Again (or For the First Time)

         For people on the left, it’s hard not to feel like someone just farted when they see a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat. To them it’s such an obviously backhanded way of saying something shitty that they instantly go to what seems like it’s opposite and point out that our past was never great. From […]

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Fake News and Big Secrets

         Everyone watches the news with a little asterisk floating behind their eyes. We know not to believe everything that we hear, and the more we have our own experiences and look at the situation around us plainly, the more we understand the news to be a kind of fact based fiction. The lives we live […]

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Get Your Rights Some Exercise

        You can’t ask for something that’s already yours. As soon as something that belongs to you is placed on the other side of a request, it stops being yours exactly as much as whoever you’re requesting it from has the power to refuse you. So why is it exactly that we have to “request” public […]

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