Adam and Steve (Jobs)

     Monkeys are smart. In some countries they’re trained to be professional theives, and they’re fairly good at it. They know which items are most valuable, cell phones, wallets, and they hold them for ransom in exchange for food. Apes are even smarter. Chimps and gorillas can be taught sign language, and they can have fairly […]

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The Mona Lisa Effect

     The Mona Lisa has got to be one of the most cannibalized pieces of art in history. A pretty big part of its fame comes from the fact that it was stolen from the Louvre and it’s almost as if that original taking ignited a permanent social habit of ripping the image off. We put […]

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What Does Evolution Feel Like?

    When we think about where humanity comes from, we tend to think about some very big steps. Apes started walking, they started using tools, and when they did a new species of being, humanity, was on the planet for the first time. These big steps are made even larger by the time spans involved in […]

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How Big is Right Now?

     If we could take a picture of what people’s brains are like after they’ve been in prison for ten years and then simply use a machine to make that state of mind appear perfectly in people who’d just received a ten year sentence, using that picture as a substitute for real prison time would never […]

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