A Glutton’s Guide to the Past

      If you were making a list of questions that all felt like the only right way to answer them involved hitting the asker in the face with a pie, then the question: “What is history?” would easily be in the top ten. It’s right up there with stuff like: “Would you like to hear my […]

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Damn! I Wish I Said That

     There’s a thing people do where we figure out what they should have said on the ride home. It usually happens when we were in an argument with someone who was particularly ignorant, that special kind of clueless where we don’t even know where to start. Maybe we’ve got two jobs and no money, and […]

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It’s a Great Time to be Alive

      We like to ask each other questions about history like: Who was your favorite president? Or Which Roman emporer was the craziest? But for me the most interesting historical characters are the ones who invented a whole category of person for themselves. The idea of “the inventor” as it came on the scene in the […]

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We Are Being Recorded

      When you picture yourself, what do you see? Whatever you look like to yourself in your head, this portrait is likely to be a hold over from some past version of you, one that was taken around the last time you received some social signal about what was normal. If your mirror image and your […]

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Reincarnation and Owning History

The first person to believe in reincarnation must’ve been faced with a special kind of irony. After all, how could they be the reincarnation of someone who didn’t know what reincarnation was? Riddle me that one old man.         From a western perspective, reincarnation seems like an outlandishly spiritual concept but many of the cultures that […]

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