Jesus vs. Alien

     With Jesus, it always happened the same way. People liked it as long as they thought it was a trick. He’d gotten pretty used to the script he was supposed to read from at parties and bars, any place people were showing their tricks. It went:  Random Guy: “I don’t get it. Where did it […]

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Waking Up

     As a general process, waking up makes no sense. It’s never that we’ve solved our way out of sleep and the day shows up because our fully alert selves are the final brush stroke it needs. No, we always seem to wake up in the middle of something that’s already going on. We never quite […]

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The Great Kiln Collection Drive

     If I have a talent for something, it seems like it’s pulling big ideas together out of long and layered thoughts. Go figure. Why not pottery? You can sell pots. This is bullshit.  Must be nice.       This is the one I’ve been working on. It’s a slippery little bugger. Basically I’ve been thinking about mirror […]

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Something Explosive

  I want to write something explosive. Something that was on the tip of your tongue, a little piece of your soul that rises out of your chest as your eyes move down the page until you stand with this flaming sword of epiphany, this brilliant feat of personal revelation and strike down the obstacles in […]

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A Bunch of Nazis Who Were Right

    You don’t have to go very far to find someone who hates the United States. Chile, Iran, Nicaragua, chances are if your country had some kind of revolution in the last hundred years, we were there and what the people of your country actually wanted had very little to do with whatever designs we set […]

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